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Pantech is back to the market with IM-100
Terbaru 2017
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Pantech is back to the market with IM-100
link: Pantech is back to the market with IM-100
Berbagi Artikel Tentang Pantech is back to the market with IM-100 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Pantech, the smartphone company has been virtually absent for almost 2 years. Pantech was the South Korea's third largest OEM but had to stay away from the smartphone market due to various reasons. Well, the company has made a triumphant return to the market with their latest IM-100 smartphone. The company is bringing the smartphone after 20 months of their absence.The device is quite decent in specifications. The device is 7.8mm thick and weighs just 130grams. The device comes with a full HD display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 SoC, 2GB of RAM and a 3000mAh non-removable battery and Qualcomm’s latest audio silicon, the WCD9326.
The device has a jog dial on the right side that allows volume control and is a substitute for the normal volume keys. The device supports wireless charging using a pod which the company calls as "the Stone". Stone also functions as a 2.1 channel Bluetooth speaker for high quality audio.
The company will make the device available through the major carriers in South Korea and is priced at around 449,000 won($389). The company is planning to produce 300,000 units in total with an initial production of 20,000 units.
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