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Berbagi Artikel Tentang UMI Super battery lasts 3 days Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

UMI has dished out one of the best smartphones in the current crop of such devices in the form of UMI Super. This is one device that has been the talk of the town for quite some days now. No wonder, UMI wants the fire to keep burning. In one of the latest ads for the Super, UMI has spoken about a bold claim.

The company says the Super battery last for up to three days on the trot. And this is possible thanks to the 4000mah battery along with optimization done in the Android 6.0. Moreover, the device charges quickly and in just 30 minutes, it reaches 70% of its charge.

It is not just the 4000mAh battery that will last three days. There are some other features too that act as battery saver. The thing is that the battery saver turns of unneeded processes andapps running in the background. This is effective in saving 10% of battery power. And turning off features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and 4G that also helps in pushing the battery life further. Switching off the notification and lowering the brightness can also help in increasing battery backup. All these factors play a key part in battery power.

UMI will still be able to optimize battery usage after the second OTA for the Super. So, that should be more helpful in making the battery last longer.

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